Research and methodology

About the library

See also Research and Study and writing

About research
On research 1
On research 2
The Bridge: Another view of research

Interviews Added section
Conducting Research Interviews
Questions for interviews and focus groups

Crossing cultures
Worldview Studies

Classroom action research
Action research
Transforming teaching through cooperative inquiry: meaningful research for university teachers
Classroom Action Research (CAR) Re-written
Metodologi penelitian ruang kelas

Research methods (other)
A simple qualitative method
Metodologi kwalitatif yang sederhana
Can I use social media to recruit participants?
Toolkit of research methods
Created realities
Deadly mistakes
Eidetic reduction
“Category” and “type”
Are We There Yet? Data Saturation in Qualitative Research Fusch & Ness
Research Methods for Educational Leaders
Doing case studies as research
Doing Research: A New Researcher’s Guide
Literature analysis as methodology New
Three research methods (From ACAS website)

Delphi methodology in healthcare research: How to decide its appropriateness
Delphi Technique in Health Sciences: A Map
The Delphi Technique: Making Sense of Consensus


Sampling: how to select participants in my research study?
Sampling methods in Clinical Research; an Educational Review


Coding data for qualitative analysis
A Step-by-Step Process of Thematic Analysis to Develop a Conceptual Model in Qualitative Research
Grounded theory research: A design framework for novice researchers

Cultural research styles
Historiography: A mini-course
Historical identity assignment
Role of perspective in history