Teachers have used and recommended these materials. The particular reason why they have been included here is that they link the stages of child development to educational expectations. However, they also include other beneficial content.
The Western Australia Department of Education owns copyright on these materials and they are free to use on a Creative Commons license (link). This means that we are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format with these conditions:
Linking Assessment, Teaching and Learning
First Steps Mathematics is a series of teacher resource books that is organised around sets of mathematics outcomes for Number, Measurement, Space, and Chance and Data. The series will help teachers to diagnose, plan, implement and judge the effectiveness of the learning experiences they provide for students.
First Steps Mathematics Overview The First Steps in Mathematics Resource Books and professional development program are designed to help teachers to plan, implement and evaluate the mathematics curriculum they provide for their students.
Stepping Out focuses on improving pedagogy for all students, including those “at risk” at both ends of the academic spectrum, and indigenous students.
Success for All Selecting appropriate learning strategies highlights the fact that literacy underpins all school learning. This text is intended as a practical resource that will provide a point of reference for teachers striving to cater for the learning needs of adolescent students.
Make Their Heads Spin! highlights key issues related to the specific context of the middle years of schooling. This practical resource provides a point of reference for schools considering positive action for change, as they strive to cater for the special needs of adolescent students.
Fundamental Movement Skills deepens teachers’ understandings of how to effectively assess, plan, and teach physical activity, with details on how to break down each skill for assessment and teaching purposes. The resources provides practical teaching activities that assist teachers to plan and deliver effective learning experiences that enhance students’ development of proficient Fundamental Movement Skills i.e. the movement patterns that involve different body parts.
Fundamental movement skills: Book 1 supports all teachers in planning, delivering and assessing early childhood programs that enable all children to develop Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS). In this first book, information is provided to assist teachers in developing fundamental movement skills by choosing a focus skill based on the interests, strengths and needs of each child and assessing their level of achievement in the skill.
Fundamental movement skills: Book 2 supports teachers in planning, delivering and assessing early childhood programs that enable all children to develop Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS). It contains five detailed sets of ideas and strategies - FMS Descriptions, Assessment Strategies, Learning Experiences, Sharing Information and Stay in Step Screening Test
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