Teaching load

  1. The teaching load for a full-time instructor is an average of 18 semester hours over the academic year.
  2. This applies regardless of the delivery system (e.g. face-to-face intensives, online, etc.)
  3. It includes all Included duties listed below.
  4. It applies pro rata for:
    1. part-time faculty
    2. for faculty members holding Excluded duties. (See below.)
  5. It may be varied based on Factors for variations. (See below.)
  6. When two or more instructors team-teach, the teaching load is divided proportionately between them.
  7. The terms of appointment for faculty shall define the pro rata proportion for those who have excluded duties.

Included duties

The instructor’s teaching load normally includes the following related duties:

  1. Do their own preparation, including updating their teaching and assessment materials
  2. Assessing (e.g. papers)
  3. Give routine extra support for their own students
  4. Complete administrative requirements for the units they teach
  5. Participate in student community life
  6. Attend a regular faculty meeting
  7. Minor administrative roles (e.g. committee member)
  8. Contribute to WU’s public relations according to gifting, and
  9. Participate in professional development, such as writing journal articles and attending conferences in their field of expertise.

Excluded duties

  1. Role as other senior administrator
  2. Assigned textbook writing or editing
  3. Supervising research students
  4. Supervising practicum students
  5. Further studies with WU’s approval (e.g. PhD)

Factors for variations

  1. Abnormal amount of time required in travelling
  2. Proportion of delivery carried by MOOC
  3. Extended responsibilities in providing student support
  4. Teaching all familiar units (requiring minimal preparation)
  5. New to teaching
  6. Teaching a unit for the first time (requiring increased preparation)
  7. Number of research students
  8. Number of practicum students
  9. Number of graduate teaching assistants
  10. The curriculum is already completely developed
  11. Number of students in an online course.