Proctored examinations

Proctor's identity

  1. A proctor is a person who oversees examinations and certifies that examination conditions meet University requirements. Other terms for the same role are examination supervisor, invigilator or examination monitor.
  2. An organization may have the role of proctor, and its personnel performing as proctors must comply with these policies.
  3. Proctors who are persons must meet the following conditions:
    1. Must not be a student him/herself
    2. Have a role of responsible authority
    3. Not be of the student’s immediate family or have any other conflict of interest
    4. Be at least 21 years of age
    5. Agree to the University's proctoring practices
    6. Have access to the Internet.
  4. If the University does not appoint a proctor and set a location for an examination, the student may select a suitable person and nominate a suitable location.
    1. Students are responsible to inform the University of the proctor’s identity and contact details, and any subsequent changes in that information.
    2. The University may take whatever steps it feels necessary to verify the identity and professional position and integrity of the proctor.
    3. The University retains the right to approve or reject a nominated proctor.
    4. If the University rejects a proctor, it is not obliged to disclose the reasons for its decision.

Proctoring practices

  1. One proctor may supervise multiple examinees simultaneously.
  2. Proctors must be physically present during the whole time of the examination.
  3. Students may not offer payment of any kind to proctors.
  4. Proctors may not accept payment of any kind from students.
  5. The University will set the commencement time and duration of the examination.
  6. Before starting an examination, students must present a proctor with a government identification document containing a photograph of its holder.
  7. When students’ identities have been verified, proctors may allow the examination to commence (e.g. by supplying the password and/or code.)
  8. Proctors may not assist students in any way during the examination.
  9. Proctors shall ensure that students have not cheated during examinations (e.g bringing unauthorized information into the examination, getting unauthorized assistance).
  10. Students may not use cellphones during examinations.
  11. After the examination, proctors must submit an accurate written report in the form provided by the University at the time.