Master thesis assessment procedure

  1. This procedure applies to major projects and theses submitted for Master degrees.
  2. The supervisory committee will act as examiners.
  3. Students may make a preliminary submission before the final submission. Assessors may either carry out the final assessment on the preliminary submission if it is of passing standard, or advise the student on ways to meet any unmet criteria before the final submission.
  4. As the final assessment, the members of the supervisory committee will independently read the whole major project or thesis. They may co-opt other advice and may interview the student.
  5. Assessment includes not only the academic vaue of the work, but also its form and style (layout, language, referencing, etc.)
  6. They will then confer privately and decide that either:
    1. The project or thesis is approved.
    2. The project or thesis is approved on condition that the student makes specific minor corrections. These must be completed satisfactorily within a given time limit, and full reassessment is not required.
    3. The student is required to resubmit the project or thesis with major corrections. These must be completed satisfactorily within a given time limit. Upon re-submission, the assessors will again do a full assessment, after which the project or thesis will be either approved or not approved.
    4. The project or thesis is not approved. If the student enrolls to re-commence the project or thesis again, they must have a new topic.
  7. They shall record their decision in writing, their reasons for their decision, and shall all sign it. They shall then inform the student of their decision.
  8. Master students are not required to take comprehensive examinations.