Advisory Councils (AC)

  1. If either the Board or the faculty believes that it needs external advice, it may appoint an Advisory Council (AC) for that purpose.
  2. The purpose of an AC is to advise the Board or faculty on matters relating to the particular area of need.
  3. When the Board or the faculty establishes an advisory council, it shall define the scope of its task, give it a name.
    1. The Board or faculty shall appoint AC members.
    2. Membership of an AC is an honorary position.
    3. The AC may nominate new AC members.
    4. If the Board or faculty pre-approves expenses, AC members may be reimbursed for costs directly incurred in conducting AC duties.
    5. The Board or the faculty shall orient new AC members to WU activities.
  4. An AC may function in one of two ways
    1. A meeting with key WU personnel to be convened from time to time.
    2. A separate meeting with its own chairperson:
      1. The AC shall select a chairperson from among its members.
      2. The AC chairperson will communicate the work of the AC to WU, but the Board or faculty or may communicate directly with any AC member.
      3. The WU Board Chairperson and President are entitled to attend AC meetings.
      4. The AC may invite Board members or faculty to attend its meetings when it is relevant to AC topics of discussion.
      5. The AC should meet at least twice each year. The AC may meet more often if it deems it necessary to perform its role.

See also: