Processing applications
- The President will oversee the admissions process and appoint admissions officers.
- The admissions officer will check all admissions documents for authenticity by one of the following means:
- Liaison with the WU supervisor or representative who is local to the student.
- Direct contact with the institution offering transcripts.
- The admissions officer will evaluate degrees and transcripts according to WU procedures (q.v.).
- If the catalog specifies that applicants must pass an interview or audition for admission to particular degree, the Head of Department will form an ad hoc Student Application Committee (SAC) to interview or audition each applicant.
- The SAC will comprise at least two faculty members.
- Interviews will be guided by the criteria set by the relevant Department:
- The SAC will assess the applicant based on the interview or audition and recommend either acceptance or rejection.
- The SAC shall document its decision and the reasons for its recommendations
- The SAC may also consider the location of the applicant in relation to the location of cohort meetings.
- If the applicant clearly meets all admission criteria of the program for which they have applied and if any transfer credit clearly matches WU units, the admissions officer may admit the applicant.
- If the applicant does not clearly meet all admission criteria, or if transfer credit does not clearly match WU units, the admissions officer shall then refer the application to the responsible faculty, that shall meet and:
- Examine all relevant aspects of the individual case,
- Determine full acceptance, conditional acceptance, non-acceptance, and/or the requirement of a bridging course,
- Record its decisions and the reasons for doing so,
- Inform the admissions officer, who will inform the applicant, and
- Make or recommend improvements to the admissions process.
- If the number of appplicants exceeds the number of places available, WU will give priority in the following order:
- Those who already clearly meet all acceptance criteria.
- Those who have already satisfactorily completed WU-related programs (e.g. an ACAS Graduate Diploma).
- Those who have already satisfactorily completed some units of a WU-related program.
- Those referred by organizations with whom WU has an existing agreement.
- If the number of appplicants still exceeds the number of places available:
- WU will require students to submit a portfolio of written work as set by the head of department in three parts according to the expectations of that department:
- Statement of their personal vision and goals (max. 1000 words)
- Statement of their view on leadership (max. 1000 words)
- A portfolio of written works, such as publications, formal reports, and/or assignments (max. 1000 words).
- The portfolio will be anonymized and a WU faculty member will grade each part at the entry level of the degree for which the applicant in applying.
- Applicants will then be graded on the basis of the average grade for each part of the portfolio.
- Applicants with higher grades will be preferred over those with lower grades.
- The Head of Department will record and file the process, and approve admitted applicants on the database.