
Library A system of providing resources to members of a learning community
Resource Any text, graphic, sound recording, videograph or computer program. Most resources are either software or paper.
Copyleft Resources with copyright provisions that allow free use redistribution. There are many kinds of copyleft, e.g. free for education, free to edit, free to circulate but not edit, etc.
CTO Chief Technical Officer
Open access Resources that are provided over the Internet without fee.
Open source Software with copyright provisions that allow free redistribution. There are many versions of conditions, much like copyleft.
Textbook A resource that is followed in a course of instruction. The outline of the course usually follows the outline of the resource. Textbooks are normally tertiary sources (q.v.).
Reference book A resource that is used to search specific information and not to be read as a whole (e.g. dictionary)
Primary source Resources that contain the thoughts of people as they originally thought them before a translator, reviewer, commentator, or editor interpreted them. E.g.:
• Published sources are journal articles, monographs, books of research articles, and some research theses.
• Unpublished sources include original minutes of meetings, letters, reports, diaries, official records, conference proceedings, research theses, etc.
• Fieldwork records, such as observation notes, questionnaire answers, interview notes, etc.
Secondary source Resources that contain the thoughts of primary sources in a form interpreted by a translator, reviewer, commentator, or editor.
Tertiary source Explanatory sources, such as textbooks and popular reading.