
  1. Validation is defined as a meeting where two or more assessors meet to review delivery and assessment and suggest improvements.
  2. Assessors shall at least annually validate assessment for all units that have been assessed following the procedure prescribed at the time. They need to bring to the meeting the objectieves and criteria of each unit, evidence of student's assessed work, and the assessment tools. The procedure will normally include a review of programs for purposes of general improvement, and will include any of the following that are relevant:
    1. suggested program modifications
    2. suggested changes arising from students comments and from the complaints and appeals procedures, and,
    3. issues of administrative concern, such as policy, procedures, risks, occupational health and safety, etc.
  3. A validation meeting addresses the following questions:
    1. Was the assessment process a good fit for the competencies in the unit?
    2. Was the assessment process consistent with the requirements of employer organizations (church, school, university)?
    3. Was the assessment process a good fit for the context?
    4. Was the assessment process consistent between assessments?
    5. Were the assessment tools appropriate?
    6. Was the evidence appropriate?
    7. Was the evidence interpreted correctly to judge competence?
    8. What improvements need to be made?
  4. Any recommended improvements need to be implemented.
  5. See the "Guide to assessing WU qualifications" for more detail.