Discipline and dismissal
- WU has an "at-will" employment policy. This means that the school can dismiss a faculty member without cause, and a faculty person can resign without cause. As WU is a Christian school and community, the high standards that are required for students shall apply to instructors. WU holds the highest view of Scripture and of holiness and moral living.
Cause for dismissal
- The primary reasons for immediate dismissal would be poor performance or unprofessional or illegal conduct. Other causes for dismissal could include a program reduction or the elimination of a position. All faculty dismissals shall have the approval of the Board and the President. Possible criminal action may be taken if deemed necessary or required by current law.
- Sexual harassment is not tolerated at WU. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to any unwelcome sexual advance, assault, or requests of a sexual nature, made to a student or other staff member, which could be viewed as a condition of employment or education. Any allegations are to be reported to the senior staff, and initial talks shall be conducted to resolve the issue. If this fails, then a formal resolution will be made and followed. The Board and the President will make final formal decisions based on all information gathered.
- Dishonest or fraudulent activities are deliberate acts, or failures to act and report, done to diminish the value of a person or WU by using false statements, or deception, or the withholding of complete truth. Fraudulent behavior may include, but is not limited to:
- Falsifying reports;
- Theft that may include misappropriation of funds, services, or other resources;
- Unauthorized use of records for personal use and advantage;
- Unauthorized alteration of records, files, or computer data bases;
- Misuse of one’s authority and position for personal gain or advantage;
- Using one’s position to receive compensation for hours not worked or goods not received;
- Embezzlement of funds;
- Reporting financial transactions improperly;
- Conflict of interest or commitment that is in violation of WU policy;
- Violation of laws, policies, and regulations.
- Duties and responsibilities. All staff and faculty are responsible to be above reproach and to hold a high view of intolerance towards dishonest and fraudulent acts. All WU staff are responsible to have proper controls in place to secure accountable practices and reporting.
- Reporting of suspected fraudulent acts and activities. All staff should immediately notify their superior if they suspect a fraudulent or dishonest act.
- Reviewing and investigating reports. The Board and President will review any reports of possible fraud or dishonest acts and decide on further action. Such information will remain confidential and on record.
- Suspension and disciplinary actions. Staff may be suspended without pay if suspected of improper behavior. Disciplinary action may include termination from employment and any criminal or civil action deemed necessary. Any staff who knew of a suspected act but did not report it may also face possible suspension or termination.
Violations of laws
- If WU deems it necessary or advisable, it may refer violations of laws for criminal and/or legal investigation, and reserves the right to hand over relevant records to law enforcement authorities. If the law requires a violation to be reported, it will be reported.
Guidelines for correcting staff
- The guidelines below are intended to correcting problematical shortcomings of staff and ensure they all have the opportunity to improve.
- First Offense: Immediate superiors, who have received authority, shall remind a staff person of the behavior or action that violated a policy, rule or regulation. This is designed to bring behavior back into compliance with policies and procedures.
- Second Offense: This constitutes now a formal warning and a note of the infraction is placed in the employee file. Consequences of continued unacceptable actions will be made clear to the staff member.
- Third Offense: This is a more formal and serious step with time limitations on correcting behavior.
- Penalties may be enforced if there has been no improvement within set time limits. Possible resulting affects could be a transfer to a different line of job responsibility, suspension without pay, or dismissal. Immediate dismissal without warning is also possible depending on the type of offense or action. This is in keeping with the WU "employment at will" policy.
Procedure for termination
- Serious breaches of standards may require immediate termination.
- The Principal (or the Principal's delegate) of the staff member's college shall normally retain the right to determine a dismissal.
- The written determination of the board of management of the staff member's college shall be final, subject to legislation.
Exit interview
- The WU President will hold an exit interview with all departing faculty members. This will include a discussion about job performance, violation of rules and regulations, or possible downsizing of the graduate school or department. It might also be a time to bring understanding and healing to the staff member. It is hoped that such exit interviews will help WU to improve its policies, procedures, and working conditions.