When possible, WU likes to have personal, face-to-face contact with students. “Hybrid” delivery means that courses may be taught through a mix of personal onsite meetings and online interaction. So far, most classes have been held by Zoom videoconference, especially due to restrictions during the recent pandemic.
We realize that some full-time professionals have schedules that do not permit them to attend face-to-face sessions, so they may need to study fully on-line.
The minimum time taken to finish a program depends on the number of units taken each semester, although programs are designed so that students can finish within a reasonable time. If possible, WU runs a face-to-face group at a location that is central to each cohort of students. Then during the other semesters, WU runs the coursework and practicum units.
In the final semesters, students do their major project through distance education. Students can extend if they can’t finish by the end of the semester. During the block running at the time, students meet together for a colloquium and present their projects. We then hold graduation on the last night of the block.