Willie and the computer

Ross Woods, 2019. Rev. 2020

The MNO Corp. had issued a policy that all branch adminstrators must have computer equipment and that it must be sufficient for the number of administrators. Willie was the administrator at the local branch office of MNO Corp. and worked on a computer.

Andy the auditor came from head office to check whether Willie had a computer.

Andy asked, But do you have enough for all administrators?

Willie replied, There's only me. I'm the only administrator here.

Andy then announced that he wanted to see the Equipment Audit Report. Willie didn’t have anything called an Equipment Audit Report, but pointed to the computer on his desk.

Oh no. I’m not looking for that, replied Andy, Just the report. Andy filled in a report saying that Willie did not have a computer, and informed Willie that he would return.

Willie checked the MNO Corp. policy. It did not mention an Equipment Audit Report, just sufficient computer equipment. Willie made a list of all computer resources anyway, wrote Equipment Audit Report clearly at the top, checked that it was accurate, and signed it.

Andy came again and asked to see the Equipment Audit Report. Andy read it and said that would be an unacceptable conflict of interest. Willie would need to get someone from head office to check it and sign it. Andy filled in another report saying that Willie still did not have a computer, and announced that he would return.

Willie arranged for someone from head office to come and check the computer equipment list, and sign that it was accurate.

Andy came again and read through the list. However, he also noticed that the list was now two months old, and concluded that there was no current evidence that Willie still had a computer. He told Willie that the local office had failed the audit. Andy recommended to head office that Willie's branch office be closed down due to lack of computer equipment, as well as repeated failure to comply with the directive about sufficient computer equipment.

Willie lodged a complaint with central office, which appointed Ivan the investigator.

Ivan checked Andy’s expertise and experience as an auditor and his documentation procedures. Andy also alleged that:

  1. Willie had tried to avoid documentation altogether.
  2. Willie had tried to offer documentation based on conflicted interests.
  3. Willie had tried to offer out-of-date documentation.

Ivan concluded that Andy was correct and Willie did not have a computer.

As a result, Willie’s office was closed down. Nobody knows what happened to his computer.

This is a true story, although all identifying information has been changed.