Organize your classroom list

If you teach in a classroom program, it is common to teach a whole class and assess students as you go. You will probably need a class sheet so you can then very easily move around the class and look at your students' work. Here's a template

In a paper system

In a paper system, the form has a single line for each student so you can easily have most of what you need for twenty students on only one page on one sheet of paper. By contrast, it is very difficult to manage a separate form for each student while walking around a classroom.

However, it is only a working record. It cannot be used as the final student record in their files because students have a right to see the contents of their own file but may not see the assessment results of other class members. Consequently, you will have to transfer results to your reporting format later. After the assessment, the original classform should be filed separately from the students' personal files in case you ever need to go back to the contemporaneous record for and audit or an appeal.

If you've mastered the use of tables on your word processor, you'll find that the template is easy to manipulate. For example, you might need more columns. Or fewer columns. You might not need the absentee section, or might want to replace it with another category.

In an electronic system

When forms are electronic, a database can electronically produce both a "whole class" version using the table view and an an individual version using the record view. In other electronic systems, assessors can very easily switch to whole pages for individual students. In other words, assessors can enter assessment results directly into the final format and don't need to do any paperwork. Students can then get their own printout or website page where their individual record was generated electronically from the database.