Ross Woods, Draft 2023 ed.
This style guide contains all the information normally provided in an academic style guide. The 1993 version of this guide was already quite modern, and it was re-written in 2018 and revised through to 2021. A new Indonesian version was written in 2023, and a major English revision in the same year. This revision is so extensive that it is a new edition. It still follows Harvard rules for bibliographies but uses Vancouver layout for references.
At first, the purpose of this style guide was to provide a modern system for students where most local systems were by comparison old-fashioned. Later, the purpose was to provide a modern style guide that was free of external copyright restrictions so that it could be distributed and updated freely.
Although this style guide is adequate for all normal needs, it is impossible to anticipate all eventualities in academic writing; writers will always face sources for which there is no referencing procedure. Publishers don't always follow the same rules, and publishing standards continue to evolve. If students need help for an unusual problem, some very good help is available online.
Besides, writers now face a plethora of style guides although none of them is perfect or exhaustive, and most are very similar. Zotero now lists about 7,000 style guides, and many publishers create their own, for a range of different reasons. US universities use different style guides for different disciplines, and undergraduates and graduates often use different guides for the same discipline.
You might notice the change from Harvard to Vancouver references. The purpose of the change was to make it easier for students to learn the system and consistently be correct. It is also consistent with the evolution of sytems as described above.
Put simply, the basic Harvard layout allowed for two different forms, depending on whether it was placed in a sentence or after a sentence. The first comparison shows the two kinds of Harvard references, with the differences highlighted in bold red:
(Smith, 1988, p. 54.)
(Smith, 1988, p. 54).
The Vancouver system used a little less punctuation and has only one form, which does not differ depending on where a reference is placed. The second comparison shows the two Harvard references and the Vancouver reference, again with the differences highlighted in bold red:
(Smith, 1988, p. 54.)
(Smith, 1988, p. 54).
(Smith 1988, p. 54)
The bibliographic entry for a work with multiple authors poses problems in some style guides. When names are separated only with commas, it is sometimes difficult to see where one name begins and another starts, especially when the same name could be either a surname or a first name, and when some names were reversed and some were not. The solution here is to separate them with semicolons.
Some modernizations have not been helpful. If two publishers publish a work jointly or simultaneously, the older practice was to place parentheses around each set of publication details, which separated them very clearly. Consequently, the older standard has been retained. (The current practice is to separate them with only a semicolon, which is much less clear.)
Contrast these fictitious examples, one with parentheses and one without:
Whitelaw, E.R. 1996. Contrasts in Russian Perspective. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Andreas Press) (London: Sceptre Publishing).
Whitelaw, E.R. 1996. Contrasts in Russian Perspective. Ithaca, N.Y.: Andreas Press; London: Sceptre Publishing.
Guides have been modernized greatly in the last fifty years, and the main changes are as follows:
Chapter Oneor
Chapter 1for chapter numbers. However, academic publishers now often use only the numeral, for example,
Generally speaking, the layout of theses and dissertations has followed the changes in academic publishing, and is often quite similar to the requirements for a manuscript being presented to a publisher. Academic institutions have been conservative, while publishers have been more progressive. In particular, referencing systems have changed for the following reasons:
Some Latin terms are still in use. Some have become common in English and no longer need italics; their Latin source is no more than an etymological curiosity. Others remain because no better replacement has been created. Examples include:
Technology has also brought about changes. Previous systems were designed for manual typewriters and paper, while modern systems are largely automated and generally apply to word processing and electronic documents:
All work that is not yours should be referenced in the text and its source listed in the bibliography.
The main reasons for referencing are to respect the work of others, thus preventing plagiarism, and to inform the assessor which is your work and which is the work of others. If you paraphrase the work of others but do not quote it, you must provide references, because you are using their intellectual contribution.
Referencing has several main principles:
Check that you have everything referenced, the wording and the layout of the references is consistent, and that all sources are included in the bibliography.
Quotations are laid out differently depending on their length:
The Vancouver in-text referencing system is only one of many, but its main advantages are:
If it has a drawback, it is only that readers do not have full bibliographic details of a source on the same page as the text that refers to it. The bibliography is placed at the end of the work.
The basic reference pattern for a source comprises four main elements: the name of the author, the year of publication, the page number, and parentheses:
(Smith 1988, p. 54)
(Jones 2001, p. 47)
Multiple pages:
(Smith 2001, pp. 22, 45)
(Jones 2001, pp. 47-53)
Several ranges of pages:
(Jones 2001, pp. 47-53, 65-69)
• Use p.
for individual pages.
• Use pp.
for multiple pages.
• As with any range of numbers, you may use a hyphen: 211-224. (Some style guides require an n-dash [–]).
This basic pattern is primarily suited to books and journals, but it is so flexible that allows for a huge number of variations and combinations. It also works for:
This basic pattern has many variations for different contexts and uses.
If you include the reference in a sentence, do not capitalise the first word (unless it is a proper noun) and omit the full stop (period). For example:
Perhaps birth practices reflect patterns of family solidarity (see McDonald 1995, p. 187), but several analysts have suggested that …
If you include the reference at the end of a sentence, or after the sentence, so you may choose either:
For example, both the following are correct, with the differences highlighted in red:
Some observations indicate that the meeting outline follows a well-established cultural pattern (see Robinson 1999, p. 211).
Some observations indicate that the meeting outline follows a well-established cultural pattern. (See Robinson 1999, p. 211)
If you mention an author more than once in one paragraph, one reference at the end of the paragraph is adequate. For example:
As Callahan notes, some social insularity is normally inevitable in such cases, due mainly to the interdependence of most members. However, that kind of insularity appeared insignificant in the general community, because so many other kinds of interdependence resulted in observable social relationships with other community members. He foresaw this possibility and responded with an appropriate strategy. (Callahan 1998, p. 81)
If the name of the author is provided in the text clearly associated to the source, you may omit the name in the reference. For example:
Jones pointed out another possibility relating to the use of sacrifice as a kind of propitiation. (1997, p. 96)
If both name of the author and year of publication is provided in the text and clearly associated to the source, you may omit both name and year of publication in the reference. For example, both the following are correct:
Gunther’s 1927 edition was the first to report observation of the funeral rituals, which took place over many days and involved all members of the village. (P. 54)
Gunther’s 1927 edition was the first to report observation of the funeral rituals, which took place over many days and involved all members of the village (p. 54).
This kind of reference gives the options to refer to an item as a source, or to see, compare or contrast with another item:
Volume nine, page eighty-seven.
A bibliography is simply a long list of all sources used, with the full details of each one. The current trend is to put all works cited into one list in alphabetical order, including all unpublished or unwritten sources and abbreviations used for bibliographic entries.
Surnames of authors are the basis for determining alphabetical order. (Other principles apply to names with no hereditary family name.) When there is no author surname, other forms are used instead. When a title is used to determine alpabetical order, The
, A
, and An
are ignored.
Bibliography entries are typed single-spaced, with a blank line between entries. The place and name of the publisher are put in parentheses ()
Bibliography entries always end in a full stop (period) .
Check (and double-check and triple-check) that:
There are two basic pattern for a book’s bibliographical entry. The only difference is that one does not need to give the state in the US or the country of publication for London or New York, because these two cities are very major and unambiguous. Examples are as follows:
Smith, Ronald. 1998. The Development of Contextualization. (Austin, Tx: Andreas Press).
Jones, Richard. 1998. The Development of Emotional Intelligence. (London: Matthey Press).
It comprises the following main elements:
hanging indentlayout, which means that all lines except the first are indented.
The layout has clear reasons for being as it is:
Use the form of the author's name, the full title, and the name of the publisher found on the title page. Use the title page even if the front cover says something different. The year of publication is usually found on the back of the title page as the copyright year. The place of publication might be listed on either the title page or the following page.
Italicizing the title signifies a work that is published and circulated separately. Italics is used for titles of books and periodicals. This has two consequences. First, titles of articles in books or periodicals are not italicized, because they are only circulated as part of the book or periodical. Second, titles of unpublished sources are not italicised.
The full pattern for a book includes other elements that don't always apply, but should be listed if they do:
Jones, Donald. 1997. The Growth of the Asian Church: An Historical Review. Four vols. Ed. Roger Gilroy. The Asian Religion Series. Second ed. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Andreas Press).
Other elements are:
Revised editionor numbered e.g.
Second edition, or both e.g.
Second revised edition.)
Do not mention the number of the printing, unless the book states that the work was revised between printings, that is, it is actually a new edition, not just another printing.
Articles from journals or periodicals | Encyclopaedias and dictionaries | Article in a book | Interviews | Internet sources | Letters | Minutes of meetings | Newspapers | Quoting a quotation | Theses and dissertation | Unpublished notes
Articles from journals or periodicals have a different pattern for bibliographical entries:
Smith, Ronald. 1989. Leadership Training in Hierarchically-cultured Churches
The Journal of Leadership Development. Vol. 2, no. 45 (June), pp. 47-62. DOI:10.1000/123456.
It comprises the following main elements:
Summer Edition) Some periodicals are primarily identified by date or edition name, while others are only identified by volume and number.
hanging indentlayout, which means that all lines except the first are indented.
Italics (or underlining) of the title of the journal signifies a work that is published and circulated separately. Consequently, titles of articles in periodicals are not italicised or underlined, because they are only circulated as part of the periodical.
The hanging indent format makes it easy for the reader to scan down a list of items to find a particular source.
Encyclopaedias and dictionaries are special cases for several reasons:
For example:
ENTL 1993, s.v. Patristics.
This refers to an encyclopaedia, which you will find in the bibliography under ENTL
. The reference is sub verbo ('under the word') Patristics.
There are two ways to handle dates. The first applies to pages that give a date on the page. The second used when the page does not contain a date, so an accessed
date is necessary:
Hamilton, Graham. 2002. Conceptions of Fellowship in Eastern European Evangelical Churches. July 21.
Jones, Henrietta. N.d. History of the Cornish Language. Accessed on May 20, 2022.
A URL is not adequate for some Internet sources, and the reader needs navigation guidance. Use the symbol ❯ to indicate a navigation link:
Biggs, Ronald. N.d. History of the Irish Language. ❯ History ❯ Irish. Accessed on May 21, 2022.
An article in a book requires two bibliographic entries, one for the article and one for the book:
Jackson, L. P. 2002. The Changing Worlds of Southern Africa
in K. P. Donovan (ed.), 1986, pp. 98-137.
Donovan, K. P. (ed.). 1986. Contemporary Essays on Africa. Nairobi: University Press.
Smithson, Milton. 1997. Interview held at New College, Oxford, 14 March.
Briggs, Adam. 1942. Personal letter sent to Gertrude Smythe in London, dated 12 April.
Minutes of the Association for Old Testament Exegesis, Dundee, Scotland, 12 September, 1912.
If the source is a newspaper article, give the newspaper title, the article title, the full date, and the page number. If volume and number are given, you should include them:
London Daily Journal. 2001. Dynamics of African Change
, 17 February, 2001, p. 22.
Rock City Daily Express. 1999. Changes in Education—For Better or For Worse.
21 May (Vol. 34, no. 15), p. 56.
A quotation can be taken from a source where it is quoted, even though you do not have access to the original work. It requires two bibliographic entries:
Grundy, William. 1901. The Ancient Near East New York: Boxman Publications, p. 52, cited in Evans 1994, p. 251.
Evans, K. R. 1994. The East-West Dialog. Atlanta, Ga.: Johanine Press.
Hassel, John. 1989. Conceptions of Personal Transformation in Oral Narrative: An Indian Perspective.
Thesis submitted to the University of Western Tasmania for the degree of Master of Arts.
Franklin, Ernest. 1998. Conceptions of Hope in Chinese Christianity.
Unpublished notes from a seminar held at the Centre for South American Missiology, Pasadena, Ca., 15-21 July.
Organization as author | Pseudonym | Same author produces two works the same year | Same author uses two different names | Two authors with the same name | Two or three authors | More than three authors | No author | Book of articles edited by one person | A book edited or collated rather than written
If an organization is the author and has a short name, use the whole name.
However, if an organization is the author and has a long name, use an acronym to save space. The acronym will be provided in one location in the bibliography and full details given elsewhere in the bibliography, so that the whole bibliography stays in strict alphabetical order.
(ASSSTEA 2002, p. 34)
ASSSTEA. See Association of Scottish Secondary School Teachers and Education Administrators
Association of Scottish Secondary School Teachers and Education Administrators. 2002. General Conference Proceedings. (Glasgow, UK.: Educational Press).
If the author is confirmed to have used a pseudonym, the pattern is:
Whiteman, Robert. [Pseud. for Charles Gregson.] 1993. Changes in Yemeni Worldview. (Chicago, Il.: Mark Press).
Lower case letters after the name can differentiate the two sources; they are also used in the bibliography:
(White 1997a, p. 34)
(White 1997b, p. 187)
White, Glenda. 1997a. Structure in Theology. (Wilington, U.K: Pellen Press).
White, Glenda. 1997b. Finding Relevance in Dogmatics. (Carlingsgate, U.K: Wessex College Press).
Some authors use one name on the cover and another on the title page. For example, an author might be Jim on the cover but James on the title page. Use the version of the title page.
If two separate authors have the same name, use the initial or forename:
(Smith, K.L. 1934, p. 324)
(Smith, Kathleen 1991, p. 12)
(Whitman & Evans 1993, p. 22)
(Smith, Jones & Brown 2020, p. 297)
Bibliographic entries:
Whitman, Derek; Evans, K.J. 1993. Changes in Egyptian Society. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Andreas Press).
Smith, Jeffry; Eric Jones; Amanda Brown. 2020. Developments in Middle Eastern Social Structures. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Andreas Press).
If the source has from four to ten authors, use et al. (meaning ‘and the others’) in the reference:
(Jones et al. 2002, p. 345)
List them all in the bibliography, separated by semicolons. Only the first name needs to be last name first, for the purposes of the alphabetical listing:
Jones, Donald; Charles Smith; Bethany K. Austin; Emma O'Malley. 2002. Asian Cities and Their People. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Andreas Press).
List only either:
• the lead author followed by et al. or
• the leading editor.
If no author is listed, the work is anonymous (anon.):
Anon. 2001. The World of Old India. (Fresno, Ca.: Intentional Press).
A book that is edited by one person but comprises articles written by many others. It also works similarly if it has multiple editors:
Donovan, K. P. (ed.) 1986. Contemporary Essays on Africa. (Nairobi: University Press).
Johnson, Patrick L. (ed.). 1995. Folk Tales of the Congo. (Deerfield, Il.: Atlantic Educational Press).
Two publishers | No publisher | Publishers with many branches | No place | No dates
If two publishers publish it simultaneously, the pattern is:
Whitelaw, E.R. 1996. Contrasts in Russian Perspective. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Andreas Press) (London: Sceptre Publishing).
If no publisher is given, use the abbreviation N.p.
for ‘no publisher’ (the two meanings of the same abbreviation can be differentiated by their location):
Jones, Donald. 2001. The Shape of Japan. (Ithaca, N.Y: N.p.).
If the publisher lists many branches all over the world, the place of publication is the one nearest the printing.
Some major publishers have branches in multiple cities around the world (e.g. New York, London, Los Angeles, Sydney, Johannesburg, Calcutta, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) and all of them are listed as the place of publication. However, it is impractical to list them all in the bibliography. Simply state the one closest to the printing location as the place of publication.If no place of publication is given, use the abbreviation N.p.
for ‘no place’:
Jones, Ken. 2001. Context and Theology: Contemporary Essays. (N.p.: International Books).
The source has no date mentioned, the date is given as N.d
, meaning ‘No date’.
(Green n.d., p. 75)
Green, Joseph. N.d. The Measure of Maturity. (London: Hawk Press).
The date is still given as N.d
. (meaning ‘No date’), and the two sources are still differentiated by a and b.
(Black N.d.a, p. 52)
(Black N.d.b, p. 27)
Black, Emma. N.d.a. The Fabric of Society. (Helmsford, U.K: Eagle Press).
Black, Emma. N.d.b. The Class Structure and its Survival. (Axton, U.K: Alabaster Press).
It is a first edition, so the edition details need not be mentioned.
Reprint editions are often identical to the old original editions, but are actually produced by different publishers in a more recent year.
Fellows, James. 1893. Word Studies in the Classics. [Repr. Delman Books, 1976] (New York: Greenmeadows Press).
Format | Electronic formats | Paper | Font | Underlining or italics | Page margins | Page numbering (pagination) | Chapters | Chapter beginnings | Spacing and indenting | Orphans and widows | Section headings | Specific typing rules | Common typing errors
Submit your work as a pdf file; paper copies are not required.
Electronic formats are best for online institutions and those that want the option of including dynamic graphics in theses and dissertations. The preferred electronic format is a pdf file because it is very stable. However, if you need to include dynamic graphics, check with your supervisor on whether they can be included in the text or enclosed as a separate file.
Use either Times New Roman Roman or Garamond in 12 point for the whole document, and the whole document must be in the same font. The only exceptions are excerpts in languages that use other orthographies (e.g. Greek, Hebrew).
Times New Roman Roman or Garamond are book-face fonts, which is a category of fonts used for the main text of a published book. Book-face fonts have the following characteristics:
sans seriffont is a font without serifs.) Serifs are the little feet or hooks at the ends of many strokes. Here's an example with some of the serifs arrowed:
Use italics consistently and do not use underlining. (Underlining and italics mean the same thing. In a manuscript going to the publisher, underlining indicated to the typesetter any text that was to be set in italics.)
Italics have limited purposes:
In all kinds of written work, every page must have margins:
• The left hand margin must be 3 cm.
• The top, bottom and right margins must be 2.5 cm.
The preliminaries (i.e. all pages before the beginning of the introduction) are numbered using lower case roman numerals i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc. A number is not placed on the title page but is centered place at the bottom of the page for all other preliminaries.
The first page of the Introduction is page 1 and pagination continues from there to the last page of typing. The page numbers are numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) placed at the center bottom of each page without adornment.
Essays may not be divided into chapters.
Thesis and dissertation must be divided into chapters. Chapter one is the introduction and is an integral part of the work. It usually contains the statement of the problem, the approach, and the assumptions. (If a well-meaning soul tells you that introductions should not be chapter one, it is because introductions were once used as a kind of longer preface. Besides, some authors of published works once invited a better-known author to contribute an introductory article as a marketing strategy.)
The top one third of the first page of each chapter should be blank with only the chapter number and chapter title in it. The white space makes chapter beginnings easier to find, and also makes the page more attractive. Use a numeral for the chapter number; do not spell it out as a word.
The text should be double-spaced, and the first lines of paragraphs are indented one centimetre.
Items that must be single-spaced include long quotations, abstract, preface, acknowledgments, and footnotes.
The bibliography is single spaced with a space the size of an empty line between entries.
Definitions of orphans and widows vary greatly but this is common: An orphan
is the last line of a paragraph printed by itself at the top of a page. A widow
is the first line of a paragraph printed by itself at the bottom of a page. In particular, do not leave a page at the end of a chapter with only an orphan on it. (Word processors can protect against them.)
The introductory paragraph in a chapter or in an essay does not need a separate Introduction
title. It is obviously the chapter introduction, being directly under the chapter title.
In essays and longer thesis chapters, you might need sub-headings for sections. In general, it is recommended to use only one level of subheading. This is the most common level of heading, and will probably meet all your needs:
Side Heading
Hint: You can use this heading with a subtitle to minimize the number of levels of titles. For example, here's an example of a series of headings that avoids a separate higher level heading for Social Structure
Social Structure: The Extended Family
Social Structure: The Village
Social Structure: The Urban Fringe Community
Social Structure: The Clan
It is possible to have a hierarchy of headings, so that larger sections can be divided into smaller sections. As a general rule, the fewer levels you use the better. Below are three levels, and these are sufficient for almost all kinds of work.
Lesser Heading
Low level heading
Note: The top level is only used in unavoidably long chapters that need to be clearly broken into several large sections.
These errors might appear unimportant, but they can result in theses and dissertations being rejected:
This sentence is ending. · · The next sentence begins ...
Graphical content includes figures, plates, maps, and graphics. (For some strange reason, diagrams are called figures.)
Figures and maps should preferably be in black and white so that they can be photocopied effectively, unless color is essential to the information. Use gif files. Use grayscale for figures only if the grayscale is essential to the information. In these cases, .png files are best, but your supervisor might allow high quality .jpg files.
Plates are usually photographs but some are printouts from data-collecting equipment. The principles are the same as diagrams. Use black and white if possible, grayscale if essential to the information, and color only when it is essential to the information. Again .png files are best.
If your institution permits theses and dissertations to be only in electronic form, your supervisor can permit you to include dynamic graphical data representations, such as moving parts in a diagram, and three-dimensional representations of data. The general principle is that the software format must be a public standard (not private proprietary software) and suited to all major browsers.
For each kind of graphical content, give each item a number and a brief descriptive caption. The numbers follow the order they occur in the text. This means that you could have Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Plate 1, Plate 2, Plate 3, Map 1, Map 2, Map 3.
The basic idea is to present a collection of essays, formally typed up, and presented like a thesis. It should be also bound if it is the culminating effort for the qualification.
The essays will normally be presented as separate works. However, they may also be combined in various ways to make a smaller number of essays. If you want to combine parts, the key is to locate papers on the same topic that prove the same point, to eliminate redundancies, and to smoothe the structure. In combinations, literature reviews normally belong at the beginning of a piece of work and analyses belong toward the end. The bibliography for each essay is placed at the end of the essay, not at the end of the portfolio.
The title page is much like a thesis and everything on it is centred. (View example.)
The contents page is also similar to that of a thesis, except that the essays are not chapters.
The preliminaries for a thesis are the same as those for a project.
On the title page, the title should be a quarter way down the page and should follow the inverted pyramid shape. The date should sit at the bottom of the page. See an example title page. When you write your name, omit prenominals and postnominals. It is recommended that you use one version of your name consistently in academic work, and it should be your legal name in Latin letters, which should be the name under which you enrolled. You have two options:
Even if you have a working title from the early stages of planning, choose the final version last to make sure you get it exactly right.
Use the title TABLE OF CONTENTS, although your supervisor might let you use the more modern title CONTENTS. There is no need to put a row of dots between the title and the page number. This is also old-fashioned and makes the page look cluttered.
If all titles are relatively short, you can make the table a little narrower so it is easier to relate each title to its page number. See an example of a contents page.
Include lists of tables, maps, graphs, diagrams, or abbreviations (as appropriate). If these lists are short enough and you have more than one, you can put more than one on the same page. Each list must be included in the table of contents.
As a general principle, prefaces are not permitted, although they can be necessary. A preface states the author’s personal background in relation to a thesis. For example, it would be important for the reader to know if you were the person in charge of a project discussed in the thesis, or have lived on location in a ethnic village for ten years before you described an aspect of its culture. If you took a personal role in events beyond your role as a researcher, you should recount it briefly, especially if you were an important participant in historical events. The preface also includes brief acknowledgements of help, funding, or cooperation. (See below.)
In short:
If you do need to write a preface, keep it as brief as possible and avoid flowery or emotive language. A matter-of-fact tone is best for an academic work. You may write your name or initials at the end of a preface, but it is not a requirement. If you write your name, omit any prenominals and postnominals.
You may need to acknowledge special permissions, funding, or other assistance. You should not acknowledge the assistance of your assigned supervisor or any assistance for which you paid in full.
If you write a preface, acknowledgements should be included in the preface, usually separately in the last paragraph. If you do not write a preface, the acknowledgements page is a brief statement on its own page. The layout is the same as a preface.
Do not include a dedication.
Some kinds of information should be included in the thesis or dissertation. However, they need to be separated from the main text because they are outside its train of thought and would prevent a smooth reading of the text. These may include:
The rules for appendices are as follows:
Title page |
A brief article (Links open new windows.)
The brief article about a fictitious scoundrel is written in the style of a biography of a national hero. It demonstrates many of the writing conventions for layout, references, and bibliography.
Bibliographies are the same for essays, theses and dissertations: Example (Link opens new window.)
(Links open new windows.)
Title page |
Title page for two languages |
Contents page |
Chapter page
(Links open new windows.)
Below are links to templates for theses and dissertations:
Serif dissertation template.
How to use a template:
The abbreviations for the books of the Bible below are in common use although they have not been standardized, and most have several varients. The two-letter version is prefered if it is already quite clear. In a few cases, a whole syllable seemed more pleasing to the eye (e.g. Numbers). Otherwise, a longer variant is chosen if it would reduce confusion or possible ambiguity (e.g. Ezra cf. Ezekiel, Philippians cf. Philemon).
Genesis — Gen.
Exodus — Ex.
Leviticus — Lev.
Numbers — Num.
Deuteronomy — Dt.
Joshua — Josh.
Judges — Jdg.
Ruth — Ruth
1 Samuel — 1 Sam.
2 Samuel — 2 Sam.
1 Kings — 1 Kings
2 Kings — 2 Kings
1 Chronicles — 1 Chr.
2 Chronicles — 2 Chr.
Ezra — Ezr.
Nehemiah — Neh.
Esther — Esth.
Job — Jb.
Psalms — Ps.
Proverbs — Prov.
Ecclesiastes — Ecc.
Song of Solomon — Song
Isaiah — Isa.
Jeremiah — Jer.
Lamentations — Lam.
Ezekiel — Ezek.
Daniel — Dan.
Hosea — Hos.
Joel — Joel
Amos — Am.
Jonah — Jnh.
Micah — Mic.
Nahum — Nah.
Habakkuk — Hab.
Zephaniah — Zeph.
Haggai — Hg.
Zechariah — Zech.
Malachi — Mal.
Matthew — Mt.
Mark — Mk.
Luke — Lk.
John — Jn.
Acts — Acts
Romans — Rom.
1 Corinthians — 1 Cor.
2 Corinthians — 2 Cor.
Galatians — Gal.
Ephesians — Eph.
Philippians — Phil.
Colossians — Col.
1 Thessalonians — 1 Th.
2 Thessalonians — 2 Th.
1 Timothy — 1 Tim.
2 Timothy — 2 Tim.
Titus — Tit.
Philemon — Philem.
Hebrews — Heb.
James — Jas.
1 Peter — 1 Pet.
2 Peter — 2 Pet.
1 John — 1 Jn.
2 John — 2 Jn.
3 John — 3 Jn.
Jude — Jud.
Revelation — Rev.
American Psychological Association. 1974. Publication Manual of the American Psychlogical Association Second ed. (Washington DC: American Psychological Association).
Anderson, Jonathon; Berry H. Durston; Millicent Poole. 1970. Thesis and Assignment Writing. (Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons).
Anon. 2002. Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers. Revised by Snooks & Co. Sixth ed. (N.p.: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.)
Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa - Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan.
Edisi kelima. Accessed February 23, 2023.
Ciptaloka Caraka. 1984. Teknik Mengarang. Cet. ke-enam. (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius).
Kompas. 1990. Hanya Sepuluh Persen Mahasiswa Rajin Membaca Buku Teks.
Kompas. No. 274, thn. ke-25, Kamis 5 April, pp. 1, 16.
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