Ross Woods, 2016, rev. 2020, ’22.
Students are usually surprised to learn that providing help is not the supervisor’s primary responsibility. The main task of a research supervisor is to maintain the institution’s standards and procedures. This includes ensuring:
Supervisors should not have to teach basic skills that students should have learned before they were admitted to the research program, such as writing, editing and formatting academic papers, referencing, using standard methodologies, applying logical thought, and working autonomously. (In fact, if an institution's students tend not to have been adequately prepared, then it has a systemic problem in program design.)
Research students are expected to be autonomous self-starters who are responsible for their own work. In the end, it is the student who is assessed, not the supervisor. In extreme cases, students who are too dependent on the supervisor to conduct their own research might be asked to transfer to another program.
Students are responsible to:
As supervisor, it is your role to give help:
In the bigger picture, the question of how much help should supervisers provide is not always easy question. To some extent, it is the student's research and the supervisor's main role is to check that the student's work is correct and up to institutional standards. Supervisors are not there to do the students' work for them; students need to show that they can work independently and still get it right. One very common problem is that students try to manipulate the supervisor into making important decisions about their research. That is, the line between asking for help and failing to take responsibility is quite blurred.
Almost all students need supervisor help at some stage of their projects, although the supervisor's role often varies according to the stage of the project. The student might be more an expert than the supervisor when working through the details of the literature review and the data analysis, or some of the practicalities of the fieldwork situation. The supervisor will be more expert in methodology, validity of research design and structure, general theory, and presentation.
Be an encourager. Distance students in particular often feel isolated, and most dissertation students want to give up at some stage.
Give useful feedback as help or advice. This is especially important when the student is stuck or about to make a big mistake. Even though it is necessary to discuss ideas, it is also necessary to make sure that they are put in writing. (A good discussion might not be helpful if the student has no record of what they are to do afterwards, and the conversation moves too quickly for them to make notes.) Either the supervisor or the student needs to make a list of tasks. The supervisor writes comments into the draft.
Regular meetings with groups of students can be helpful. Use them as opportunities for students to report progress and discuss questions and difficulties. They will help keep students on track to finish, and if possible, to keep up to their schedule. If you can, group members can help each other as writing buddies.
Other than that, one of the most important kinds of help you can give is to help students develop their ideas:
However, helping students develop their ideas can be a minefield for supervisors. For example, some supervisors use it as a opportunity to develop their own ideas, not those of the student. Some students can feel pestered
with ideas that are irrelevant to what they expect to do.
Supervisor help usually also involves:
You may refer to other experts to seek advice on a specialised issue, or get a second opinion on methodology or assessment.
Some students tend to muddle and procrastinate, so it is good practice to work together to set short-term goals (sometimes as frequently as weekly), then check whether they achieved them. It's a balancing act. Although they would flounder without your help to set and achieve goals, their progress is their own responsibility and there are limits to how much you can nurture them.
When students submit work, they most want you to get back to them quickly with helpful comments. Students just need to know that you're working on it and not ignoring them. A long period for turnaround is most discouraging for students, and it is worse in distance education; students feel like they have poured their effort into a vacuum. When supervisors don't respond, they give the impression that they are lazy, incompetent, or uninterested. (Incidentally, supervisors who frequently give the excuse, I've been very busy.
simply reinforce the impression that the student is of low priority.)
Some schools have a maximum of two weeks but students get understandably very upset when supervisors normally take 13 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes to respond. In fact, some supervisors ignore the rule and take as long as they like. This is even worse when it unnecessarily progrolongs the student's program and increases their pay-by-semester fees.
Best practice for email during the working week in semesters:
Besides reducing student frustration, rapid turnover is psychologically much more helpful. The longer the time between the student's error and your correction, the more likely it is that students will retain their error and think it is actually correct. It is also more likely that they will ignore your advice or even drop out.
As a rule of thumb for fulltime campus students, plan to meet with each student once a week for a one-hour meeting. For part-time students it might be less often. Whatever the guideline, sometimes that frequency of meeting is not at all necessary and sometimes it is not at all adequate. Students need most help at the first stages (literature review and planning) and the final stage (formatting their work). In the middle stages, students might be so busy away doing fieldwork that it can be difficult to meet with them at all. At least try to touch base; when students are in difficulty, they might only be willing to ask for help if they meet with you. In other cases, they might have made a mistake but do not realize it.
Have a plan or method for giving feedback to students’ work-in-progress that is submitted.
Students need to prepare proactively for meetings, whether they are in person, by teleconference, or by email:
As a supervisor, you also need to be prepared. Read and reflect on any written work submitted beforehand, and write your comments and questions.
Then, during the interview, keep to the allotted time, usually 60 or 90 minutes.
Relationships between supervisors and students are usually close and complex. As supervisor, you may take on any of the following roles at different stages. You might be a research colleague, an adviser (whose advice students might be required to accept), an administrator, or an assessor. As a colleague, the student might might be a friend with whom they interact and discuss their ideas. You might encourage them or (if necessary) give correction. But as an administrator or assessor, you normally have considerable power over their research.
You need to look at student's work from a fairly neutral viewpoint. Students can't easily check their own work; they find it hard to see mistakes in something they wrote and that they think is very good.
A mistake in their work is often simply an opportunity for revision. It might only be that the draft still needs polishing. Perhaps they overlooked something important or included something that should have been omitted.
The supervisor-student relationship sometimes sours. This might be through fundamentally different opinions, lack of contact, misunderstandings through emails, or critique of work. Students are not normally permitted to change supervisors, and your first course of action should be to repair the relationship.
Students complain when supervisors change their minds and require students to make a series of changes to their proposals or chapters. It is worse in an online situation where you cannot meet face-to-face. This kind of problem has many causes, for example:
If I have my history head on, I might answer differently from when I have my epistemology head on.
Research has been quite prolific on the last two, and most assessment textbooks give an overview.
Supervisors cannot be perfectly consistent in their advice, but some could improve:
In some cases, doctoral students might want to engage an external consultant; many companies provide people who help the student through most of the dissertation. Some organizations also provide dissertation coaches. Struggling students can feel stressed, isolated and overwhelmed and are in danger of dropping out. Coaches get the project back on track, mobilize progress, and maintain momentum until graduation. They assist the student to handle the supervisory committee, overcome anxiety and writer's block, and manage time. They might also give advice on methodology, writing, and defense preparation. Ref. Cara Weston-Edell
You have the right to disallow these practices, but many US supervisors give inadequate help and encourage students to get it from external consultants. If your students choose to do so, I suggest that you monitor the situation closely. As a personal opinion, it would be best practice for the institution's supervisory committee to provide these services.
On one hand, the ability to collaborate is an important aspect of research. Students need to be able to pick the brains of others and to gather ideas. In some cases, these simply stimulate the student’s own thoughts and no referencing is necessary. Ethically speaking, consultants can give the same kind of help that you should be giving, with the advantage of being a second opinion and having a different viewpoint. That is, they can probe with extra questions to encourage student thinking.
On the other hand, if a student feels they need the extra help of a consultant, it might indicate either that you have not been doing your job effectively, or that the students did not have the skills for admission into the program in the first place. Moreover, consultants
are sometimes more like ghost writers and some parts of the student’s final thesis or dissertation might be little more than the thoughts of the consultant. In other cases, they are ghost editors and students have little ability to write, edit, or lay out a dissertation.
You will find out what is happening when you ask questions like Why did you decide to do it that way?
Students are exposed when they cannot answer well and can only repeat the reasons given to them by someone else.
In the worst cases, students might be failed for not referencing the thoughts of others. If you, as supervisor, find out that the student knows little about academic writing and layout, you might have to put the dissertation in limbo (i.e. not refer it for assessment) because skill in academic writing and layout are required to pass. In other cases, students might be failed or moved to a lower program because they have been unable to demonstrate that they can work autonomously.