External examination of theses and dissertations

Ross Woods, 2002, rev. 2020

Many institutions of higher education use external examiners for theses and dissertations. Examiners are most commonly persons with academic positions in other institutions of higher education, but can also be subject matter experts. Formal qualifications are normally required.

However, policies of accreditors and institutions vary; some allow only internal assessment while others prefer external assessment, seeing it as a mark of quality that enables them to maintain parity with other institutions.

The following contains instructions for assessors with examples of the documents requested. All names and institutions are fictitious.


Black Stump International University
Instructions for External Assessors of Theses and Dissertations

  1. Assessments must be conducted independently. While you may contact the coordinator, please do not compromise your independence.
  2. Two separate documents are required: an assessment letter and a critique.
  3. The assessment statement is a letter and is the fomal record of your assessment outcome. It should contain as a mimimum:
    1. Your letterhead (including address and email address)
    2. Date
    3. Kind of work assessed (thesis, portfolio, etc.)
    4. Title of work assessed and authors name
    5. State that you have actually read it
    6. Name of institution to which it was submitted and for what award
    7. Name(s) of supervisor(s)
    8. Whether, in your judgement, the work is of passing standard
    9. Any general strengths of the work that would justify your judgement (expressed briefly and without calling attention to any weaker points)
    10. Your name, signature and present position
    11. Your highest relevant degree, conferring institution, and year of graduation.
  4. Other than these requirements, you are free to express your views as you wish in the assessment consThe assessment letter is the fomal record and should contain as a mimimum.
  5. Please make the assessment letter in three copies: one for the university, one for the supervisor, and one for the student.
  6. As part of our internal quality audit procedures, the university's auditor may choose to contact you directly to authenticate your letter and/or to verify your qualifications and organisational position through your school or organisation.
  7. The critique should be a separate letter from the Assessment because it serves a very different purpose, as feedback to the student and supervisor, and as a guide to improving the quality of work done. There is no specified format for this letter and it may even be done by email. Comments often mention strengths, weaknesses, sections that might be publishable and related research topic that arise from the word read. You might also notice aspects that are perspective-dependent (e.g. practicioner vss theorist, national vss expatriate). Be careful to be fair in your critique. Please send it to the coordinator, who will forward exact copies to the university, the student, and the supervisor.
  8. Please notify the coordinator if:
    1. you feel that the work requires changes (additions, corrections, etc.) to be of passing standard,
    2. the work to be assessed is outside your expertise to assess, or
    3. If you are taking longer than six weeks to finalise the assessment.
  9. While you are free to express your assessment statement as you wish, the examples below might be helpful.

May we again express our gratitude for your willingness to act as an external examiner.

If you have any questions, please contact the relevant program coordinator at Black Stump International University.

Example 1

XYZ Seminary
1234 Main Street, Hicksville, New Mexico

Assessment Statement


Black Stump International University

I have read the thesis entitled “ …” by Robert S. Jones which was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Benjamin Smith, and submitted to Black Stump International University for the degree of Master of Arts in Theology by research.

In my assessment, the work is of the academic standard for the degree for which it is submitted. I have drawn this conclusion independently of other assessors.

The work is sufficiently specialised, demonstrates technical proficiency in its use of ethnographic field methodology, and contains a thorough representation of emic viewpoints appropriate for missiological study at this level. If the student were to apply for further study, I recommend that he be considered to be a prima facie qualified applicant for direct admission to a Ph.D program.


Kenneth L. Smith

Kenneth L. Smith, Department of Intercultural Studies
(D.Miss., Western Baptist University, 1992)

Example 2

Iowa Council for Private Education
4567 Small Street, Bigtown

Assessment Statement

To whom it may concern,

I have read the thesis entitled “ …” by Stewart P. MacDonald which was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Caleb Johnson, and submitted to Black Stump International University for the degree of Master of Education.

In my judgement, the work is of the academic standard for the degree for which it is submitted according current North American requirements. I have drawn this conclusion independently of other assessors.

The work is makes a substantial contribution to its field of study, demonstrating initiative in fieldwork and innovative use of sensitive material. It develops its topic to the extent that can be supported by current professional field practice.


Brian J. Brown

Brian J. Brown, Regional Administrator, Iowa Council for Private Education
(Ph.D., Northern University, 1992)

Example 3

XYZ Seminary

Assessment Statement


Pacific International University

I have read the thesis entitled “ …” by Robert S. Jones which was carried out under the supervison of Dr. Benjamin Smith, and submitted to Black Stump International University for the degree of Master of Arts in Theology by research.

In my assessment, the work is of the academic standard for the degree for which it is submitted according the current North American requirements.

The work is sufficiently specialised, demonstrates technical proficiency in its use of ethnographic field methdology, and contains a thorough representation of emic viewpoints appropriate for missiological study at this level.


Ken Smith

Kenneth L. Smith, Department of Intercultual Studies
(D.Miss., Western Baptist University, 1992)

Example 4

PQR International

Assessment Statement


To whom it may concern,

I have read the thesis entitled “ …” by Stewart P. MacDonald which was carried out under the supervison of Dr. Caleb Johnson, and submitted to Black Stump International University for the degree of Master of Arts in Missiology.

In my judgement, the work is of the academic standard for the degree for which it is submitted according the current North American requirements.

The work is makes a substantial contribution to its field of study, demonstrating competent fieldwork and innovative use of sensitive confidential material. It develops its topic to the extent that can be supported by current professional field practice.


B. J. Brown

Brian J. Brown, West Kalimantan Team Leader, PQR International
(Ph.D., Northern Evangelical Seminary, 1992)
