Staff performance management

Ross Woods, 2014

Staff performance management is a strategy to monitor the work performance of individual staff members. It is not the same as organizational performance management, which is to monitor the effectiveness of the organization.

Most modern organizations have the following system:

The system has a few weaknesses:


Why manage performance?

Here’s your big picture purpose statement of performance management:

  1. It should support your staff. It monitors their performance, builds their morale, and creates career pathways for them (professional development, promotion, etc.).
  2. It focuses staff efforts on achieving your organization’s strategic and operational goals, even if it involves revising job descriptions.
  3. It builds organizational capability, that is, what your organization is able to do.

By creating pathways for staff, it seeks to find what they are good at and develop their potential. The organization can be more confident in promoting staff because it has a very good understanding of the abilities of staff that it has developed.

The system should increase staff retention and reduce the costs of staff turnover. Low morale and poor job satisfaction result in lower overall organizational productivity and profitability. Employees put less effort into building client relations. They take more days off and have more workplace accidents. They are more inclined to quit so the organization has to pay higher wages to keep them.

Staff turnover is also expensive. An organization with high staff turnover faces the following costs:


What about low-achievers?

You have less opportunity to develop people only keep up and no more. These people are not candiates for talent management programs. Consider these options: