
  1. What is your industry's best practice for:
    1. management systems? Explain how they work.
    2. current information technology and programs?
    3. information management policies, practices and systems?
    4. performance standards?
    5. accountability?
    6. training and skills development and recognition?
    7. administrative systems and principles?
    8. service quality development?
    9. consumer focus?
    10. enterprise agreements?
    11. performance monitoring and reviews?
  2. Explain to your asssessor, as if they had no clue about how to do so, how you developed your strategic plan.
  3. What were the most important principles and approaches for your strategic planning?
  4. Explain to your asssessor, as if they had no clue about how to do so, how you developed your strategic planning principles and approaches
  5. Explain two cases where you had to re-engineer processes.
  6. Explain three models of quality assurance.
  7. Explain what you did in organizational development.
  8. Write your own top ten principles of successful management.