A more concrete example

Income budget

You should write up an income budget. What money will you get and when will you get it? How will it match your expenditure?

Expenditure budget

Here's a starter list of things to include in an expenditure budget. Expenditures are already categorized, but you might have more helpful categories.

Use of buildings Electricity, gas, telephone, internet access, cleaning, building insurance, taxes, depreciation on the building (modern buildings have a life span of only forty years), maintenance, and its fixtures and furnishings. Some organizations just calculate a rate as if they were hiring it.


Transport One recommendation is to calculate it at current ATO allowance rates to make it tax neutral.

Separate public liability insurance for the event This can be up to 10% of the total cost of the event, so it is not a small administrative matter.

Breakages (If you have a normal rate, otherwise put it in risks and contingencies.)

Profit: A profit margin of at least 10% is desirable.

Risk/contingency: This will vary according to the kind of event and how you are funded. If it is a minimum risk event and you are doing a budget for government funding, then it might be the same as the "profit" section. But a high-risk event might have a high risk/contingency allowance.

Suppliers and contractors

Professional services: You may need lawyers and accountants


Office administration costs:



Venue hire

Interest on loans

Then plan when everything is due.