Written by Flo Frank and Anne Smith
Human Resources Development CanadaThis project was sponsored by the Employment Programs Learning and Development Unit, Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC).
Copies of this handbook, as well as the related Community Development Facilitator’s Guide, in both French and English, are available from the HRDC Internet website at
Copies or further information may also be obtained from:
Employment Programs Learning and Development Canada
5th Floor, Place du Portage IV
140 Promenade du Portage
Hull, Quebec K1A 0J9
Telephone: (819) 953-7414
Fax: (819) 997-5163
e-mail: learning-apprentissage.lmld-apmt@hrdc-drhc.gc.caAuthor: Flo Frank
c/o Common Ground Consulting Inc.
Box 39, Meacham, Saskatchewan S0K 2V0
Telephone: (306) 376-2220
e-mail: flofrank@sk.sympatico.caAuthor: Anne Smith
c/o J. A. Smith Consulting Ltd.
10934 – 66 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 1Y2
Telephone: (780) 437-6749
e-mail: jasmith@compusmart.ab.ca© Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 1999
Cat. No. MP 33-13/1999E
The development of this handbook was greatly assisted by a number of committed people who helped to make it what it is. Our appreciation is expressed to:
Those who developed the Community Future Training package, Community Economic Development and Strategic Planning, produced by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) in 1992 that provided the basis for the development of this Handbook. This initiative was led by David Douglas at the School of Rural Planning at the University of Guelph in conjunction with a team of national content experts.
The team, led by Mary Glen and Cheryl O’Toole, who developed HRDC’s Community Capacity Building Toolkit of which this forms an integral part. Larry Kennedy and Lois Williams of that team provided valuable input to this document.
HRDC staff—working at National Headquarters, in Regional Offices and in the field—who actively assisted with the validation process: Elizabeth Bastien, Chuck Bowie, Ken Donnelly, Radmila Duncan, Carol Evoy, André Fauvel, Neil Floyd, Anne Gillis, Roy Hanna, Tom Hawco, Henry Holik, Brian House, Tannis Hughes, Susan Kennedy, John Lutes, Shirley McCluskey, Sheila Phillips, Fianca Piccin, Danièle Marie Rouleau, Gilbert Roy, Eileen Sobey, Brenda Varney, Mike Wedge, Valerie Wilson and William Worona.
Support was given throughout the project by Luna Bengio, Chief of HRDC’s Employment Programs Learning and Development Unit.
Marc Rivard, a co-op student with the Employment Programs Learning and Development Unit, as someone without any knowledge of community development, agreed to read early drafts and provided insight into how it would be viewed by people like himself.
Dal Brodhead, François Lamontagne and Jon Pierce of the New Economy Development Group who coordinated the external validation process and provided many valuable comments about this document.
The external content experts, from across Canada, who actively assisted with the validation process: Stephen Ameyaw, Robert Annis, Paul Born, Dal Brodhead, David Bruce, Lucie Chagnon, David Douglas, Wendy Featherstone, Harold Flaming, Diana Jedig, Rankin McSween, Roy Mussell, David Pell, Carol Rock, Ron Ryan and Laurie Thompson. All of these people, recognized as experts in the community development field of this country, took time from their busy schedules to review the various drafts of this document and provide much valuable input.
Caroline Sparks of C. Sparks Consulting Ltd., Watson Lake, Yukon, who provided input into the initial concept and first draft.
Dr. David Redekopp of the Life Role Development Group, Edmonton, Alberta, who provided suggestions that helped shape the section on skills, knowledge and attitude.
Ross Mayer of the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers, Edmonton, Alberta, who assisted with the overall structure and format.
Ley Ward of Common Ground Research and Consulting Inc., Meacham Saskatchewan, who did the initial lay-out and graphics
Gwen Chappell and Margie Johnson for their editing assistance.
Mike Souliere from Communications with HRDC in Ottawa, Ontario, who provided the graphic design for this book
And a special thank you to Ken King, Consultant with HRDC’s Employment Programs Learning and Development Unit in Ottawa, Ontario. Ken is a real champion of effective community development. He initiated, managed and coordinated the process that has resulted in this Handbook.
Finally, people who work everyday in community development are the ones who are making it an exciting field of study and practice. Without you, there would be no lessons or experience from which to acquire learning or explore new concepts. This Handbook is dedicated to you with thanks and respect for all the good community development work that is taking place across this country.