Ross Woods, 2022
Eras in the Catholic church
- Ancient church
- No “catholic” church separate from other orthodox Christians.
- Bishops and Councils were important.
- The eastern church was culturally differetn from the western church.
- Middle ages
- The rise of the cult of Mary.
- The Pope is the apostolic decendant of Saint Peter so the church can forgive sins.
- The Catholic Church sells indulgences.
- Heretics and can be punished by death.
- During the Reformation
- Protestants are not true Christians; they are heretics and can be punished by death.
- After the Reformation
- Catholics tried to fix some of the errors revealed during the Reformation.
- Catholics affirmed some old teachings as official doctrine during the nineteenth century
- The pope speaking ex cathedra is infallible.
- Mary was born sinless and ascended to heaven. (She didn’t die.)
- Vatican II
- Catholics may read the Bible.
- Mass does not have to be in Latin.
- Protentants are “distant brothers.”
Catholic old style (Extreme form)
- Lots of ordinances (Priesthood, marriage, communion, baptism, etc.)
- The Catholic church is the only true church, so being a Catholic is the only way to salvation.
- People are saved through Catholic baptism.
- Our mediators to God are Mary, saints, and priests.
- Catholics “venerate” images, statues, and relics.
- The Catholic church will tell you what the Bible means; you shouldn’t interpret it yourself.
- The church tradition is a higher authority than Scripture. (In fact, the church decides what is Scripture.)
- Priests can forgive sins.
- Their official theology can develop but is never wrong.
- Sinners go to purgatory when they die, were they will be punished for their sins before going to heaven.
Contemporary evanglical (esp. after Vatican 2)
- The Catholic church wants them to submit to Catholic authority and traditional beliefs
- They are nterested in the Bible
- In many aspects, they are very similar to evanglicals.
- Note: Both Catholics and Protestants are technically “orthodox.”
- Some Catholic traditions go back to the ancient church, e.g. Bishops.