
Ross Woods, 2022

Eras in the Catholic church

  1. Ancient church
    1. No “catholic” church separate from other orthodox Christians.
    2. Bishops and Councils were important.
    3. The eastern church was culturally differetn from the western church.
  2. Middle ages
    1. The rise of the cult of Mary.
    2. The Pope is the apostolic decendant of Saint Peter so the church can forgive sins.
    3. The Catholic Church sells indulgences.
    4. Heretics and can be punished by death.
  3. During the Reformation
    1. Protestants are not true Christians; they are heretics and can be punished by death.
  4. After the Reformation
    1. Catholics tried to fix some of the errors revealed during the Reformation.
  5. Catholics affirmed some old teachings as official doctrine during the nineteenth century
    1. The pope speaking ex cathedra is infallible.
    2. Mary was born sinless and ascended to heaven. (She didn’t die.)
  6. Vatican II
    1. Catholics may read the Bible.
    2. Mass does not have to be in Latin.
    3. Protentants are “distant brothers.”

Catholic old style (Extreme form)

  1. Lots of ordinances (Priesthood, marriage, communion, baptism, etc.)
  2. The Catholic church is the only true church, so being a Catholic is the only way to salvation.
  3. People are saved through Catholic baptism.
  4. Our mediators to God are Mary, saints, and priests.
  5. Catholics “venerate” images, statues, and relics.
  6. The Catholic church will tell you what the Bible means; you shouldn’t interpret it yourself.
  7. The church tradition is a higher authority than Scripture. (In fact, the church decides what is Scripture.)
  8. Priests can forgive sins.
  9. Their official theology can develop but is never wrong.
  10. Sinners go to purgatory when they die, were they will be punished for their sins before going to heaven.

Contemporary evanglical (esp. after Vatican 2)

  1. The Catholic church wants them to submit to Catholic authority and traditional beliefs
  2. They are nterested in the Bible
  3. In many aspects, they are very similar to evanglicals.


  1. Note: Both Catholics and Protestants are technically “orthodox.”
  2. Some Catholic traditions go back to the ancient church, e.g. Bishops.