Worldwide University Repository

Welcome to a new part of the library. The repository will contain several kinds of works written by WU faculty members and students:

Title Author Year Category
Kitab Mazmur Saryanto 1997 T
Factors Affecting the Success of Blended Learning in English Classrooms Daniel Ginting 2019 C
An Evaluation of a MOOC Program on English for Non-Academic University Staff Daniel Ginting, Ross Woods, et. al. 2020 P
Is Autonomous Learning Possible for Asian Students? The Story of a Mooc from Indonesia Daniel Ginting, Ross Woods, et. al. 2021 J
Foreign Language Students' Voices on Blended Learning and Fully Online Classes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Daniel Ginting 2021 J
The Purpose of the Epistle to the Romans Ross Woods 2022 P
Portraying the Performance of Indonesian’s Massive Open Online Course Facilitators Daniel Ginting, Ross Woods, et. al. 2022 J
Thematic Saturation In Interview-based Qualitative Research Ross Woods 2022 P
An ESL Error Analysis of Research Articles Written by Indonesian Scholars Ross Woods 2022 P
English Language Teacher’s Multimedia Knowledge in Teaching Using Technology Daniel Ginting et al. 2022 J
Teachers’ Efforts to Stay Resilient during the Emergency Remote Teaching Daniel Ginting 2022 J
Kelas Jarak Jauh dalam Kacamata Teori beban Kogitif Pembelajaran dengan Multimedia Daniel Ginting [2022] E
The Place of Storytelling Research in English Language Teaching: The State of the Art Daniel Ginting, Ross Woods, et. al. 2023 P
Accrediting Nontraditional Education: The philosophy of educational aspects of accreditation (2nd ed.) Ross Woods 2023 M
A Rationale for WA Baptist Church History (Article written for the Westralian Baptist) Ross Woods 2023 P
Historiography of Baptist Churches (Article written for the Westralian Baptist) Ross Woods 2023 P
The Westralian Baptist (Article written for the Westralian Baptist) Ross Woods 2023 P
Controversial topics (Article written for the Westralian Baptist) Ross Woods 2023 P
Melatih Penerus Gereja Dalam Aspek Penyampaian Firman Di Gereja Sidang Jemaat Kristus Dwi Kristian Djanarko 2023 T
Mempersiapkan Guru Sekolah Minggu Baru Melalui Kelompok Kecil di Gereja Pekanbaru
[Preparing Sunday School Teachers Through Small Groups In Pekanbaru Churches]
Sri Kristiana 2023 T
Sejarah Berdirinya Pelayanan Misi Yayasan Bina Karya Pedesaan (YBKP)
[History of the Establishment of the Rural Development Foundation]
Markus Sugiantoro 2023 T
Program Evaluation of the Master of Arts (Christian Studies) of Worldwide University: The Development of a Graduate Program to Address the Needs of Mid-Career Christian Workers Ross Woods 2023 T
Pelatihan Penyampaian Firman Bagi Penatua Gereja Allah Baik Gosyen-Riau
[Training in Preaching for Elders of the God Is Good Church in Gosyen-Riau]
Darius Jontianus Souk 2024 T
Training Personnel in Addiction Recovery: A Case Study Ross M. Woods 2024 P